Research projects

The missions undertaken by the LMFN usually evolve with the needs of research and buisiness demands. The LMFN has built itself a solid reputation in many fields of the industry.


The field of renewable energies, often called green energies, is one of the most active field of the LMFN. Undergoing projects are related to either the optimization of hydrokinetic turbine technologies or the analysis of turbine array deployments.

Active projects

  • Development of an oscillating-foil turbine with passive or semi-passive mecanisms. 
  • Optimizing a cross-flow turbine with the addition of blade flexibility (fluid-structure interactions).
  • Development and validation of an improved actuator-region turbine model for simulations of turbines within an array.
  • Wake characterization for various turbine technologies.
  • Optimizing vortex-induced oscillations for tandem perpendicular cylinders.
  • Improving the performance of H-Darrieus turbines with the use of detached end-plates and adapted strut geometries.
  • Development of fluid-structure coupling algorithms.​


Overview of some completed projects



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